RT&S Refreshes Social Media Presence – UPDATED

Written by David C. Lester, Editor-in-Chief
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Railway Track & Structures has refreshed its social media presence, and you can find us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

The magazine has always maintained a social media presence, but we have refreshed our sites and we’ll be posting on all of them regularly so you can stay abreast of important news items and RT&S webinars and other activities. Of course, we will still have our website and daily news feed, along with the print and digital editions of our magazine. And, don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly Engineering newsletter, which provides a look at the top stories of the previous week. Now, there are plenty of ways for the professional maintenance-of-way and infrastructure railroader to stay connected with RT&S.

Meanwhile, here are the URLs for each of our social media sites, and we hope you’ll find them helpful, and please ask your friends to follow/join.

The links for our social media sites, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter have been updated on our web page. The links to our social pages are found on the home page of the website, as well as the story pages. They are in the upper left corner, white, and will take you to the site directly. You’ll also see some more prominent icons on the story pages. These links are for your use to connect to/share a story on your FB, Twitter, or LinkedIn page, and the email icon allows you to email a story to a friend.

If you have any questions, please contact me at dlester@sbpub.com.

Thanks, and we’ll now see you more places online!

