Listen for the horn April 16 commemorating rail workers

Written by RT&S Staff
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Amtrak OIG: positive train control will be interoperable but could better measure system reliability.

You need to listen for the train horn today. This is not just any train horn used for safety purposes when trains are approaching railroad crossings. This is a special horn honoring those in the rail industry putting their lives on the line during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amtrak came up with the idea, and the word quickly spread and now transit agencies across the country will sound the horn today at 2 p.m. Central time. Two horn blasts will commemorate the essential workers who are responsible for taking healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks and many other COVID-19 front line people to their place of employment every day.

“Every hero deserves to be recognized and thanked for their courage, selflessness and the help they are providing to this country during this time,” said Amtrak Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating and Commercial Officer Stephen Gardner.

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