track structure

BNSF’s New Sandpoint Bridge Opens for Business

Fifty years after Burlington Northern consolidated the traffic of two predecessor routes onto a single line featuring a nearly mile-long bridge near Sandpoint, Idaho, successor BNSF has opened its long-anticipated second bridge. The first train to officially cross the new structure was an empty coal train at 9:00 p.m. on Nov. 20, 2022.

Pittsburgh Regional Transit Reopens Tunnel

Pittsburgh Regional Transit bus and light rail vehicles will resume regular operations through the Mt. Washington Transit Tunnel on Saturday, Nov. 19, for the first time since a $14.1 million electrical system upgrade project began more than two years ago.

NTSB To Short Lines – Keep A Close Eye on Weather

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently issued a safety recommendation to the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association about the importance of maintaining dynamic weather alert criteria in railroad operations.