New York’s Gateway Project is brought up again, could ‘supercharge’ struggling economy

Written by RT&S Staff
Gateway projects
Gateway Development Commission

Whenever politicians in New York and New Jersey can find a gateway, they are going to talk about the Gateway Project. It happened again on May 28, when the Gateway Program Development Corp. brought it up for discussion during a board meeting. A day earlier, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was raising the issue with President Trump.

Officials believe the Gateway Project, which includes the construction of the $9.5 billion Hudson River Tunnel, would help “supercharge” an economy that has been ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. The hope is money for the project will be included in the next stimulus bill by Congress, if one ever develops.

Some federal money was released for the Gateway Project earlier this week when the Federal Railroad Administration said it would award $55.1 million to the replacement of the Portal North Bridge. The bridge is a 2.44-mile span over the Hackensack River in New Jersey. The total cost of that project is $1.7 billion.

In total, the Gateway Project would rehab 10 miles of rail line.

Trump, who has resisted financially supporting the Gateway Project in the past, did say on May 5 he would like to see the project included in the next infrastructure bill.

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